Author: Maryeileen Griffith
Dustyn Roberts
Scot Aker
Lecturer, Architecture
Email: akerscot@
Email: akerscot@
Ashley Marcovitz
Jeffrey Babin
Practice Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Associate Director, Engineering Entrepreneurship, Penn Engineering
IPD Gets a New Home!
IPD is looking forward to the Fall of 2020 when we will move to our new home in Tangen Hall, a new space for entrepreneurship, design and making.
Michelle J. Johnson, PhD
Associate Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Associate Professor, Bioengineering, Director, Rehabilitation Robotics
Masoud Akbarzadeh
Orkan Telhan
Sarah Rottenberg
Simon Kim
Associate Professor, Architecture
Email: simonkim@design
Email: simonkim@design