Category: Design

Ulises Reyes

Geoff DiMasi

Ed Mitchell

Steve Wilcox

Scot Aker
Lecturer, Architecture
Email: akerscot@
Email: akerscot@

Taylor Caputo
Director of the Studios @ Venture Labs, Lecturer Integrated Product Design Program,
School of Engineering and Applied

Headway, IPD Final Project team, wins Pennvention competition
Congratulations to the Integrated Product Design students who won the Grand Prize in the 2020 Pennvention competition. Headway, created by Jonah

IPD Gets a New Home!
IPD is looking forward to the Fall of 2020 when we will move to our new home in Tangen Hall, a new space for entrepreneurship, design and making.

Snackgarden wins Second Place Design Value Award at DMI
The Snackgarden is a plate designed by IPD students to encourage school children to try healthy foods. It won Second Place in the 2018 Design