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Foundation Courses
IPD 5000 | Product Engineering Basics
IPD 5030 | IPD Fundamentals
IPD 5450 | Eng Entrepreneurship I
Core IPD Courses
IPD 5140 | Design for Manufacturability
IPD 5150 | Product Design
IPD 5510 | Design Processes
IPD 5520 | Problem Framing
IPD 7990 | Final Project
IPD Electives
IPD 5090 | Needfinding
IPD 5250 | Ergonomics/Human Factors Based Product Design
IPD 5720 | Design Thinking and Making
Design Arts Electives
ARCH 7240 | Technology in Design: Immersive Kinematics/Physical Computing: Body of Site
ARCH 7260 | Furniture Design as Strategic Process
ARCH 7370 | Semi-Fictious Realms
ARCH 7390 | New Approaches to an Architecture of Health
ARCH 7430 | Form and Algorithm
ARCH 7440 | Image, Object, Architecture
ARCH 7510 | Ecology, Technology, and Design
CPLN 5710 | Sensing the City
DSGN 5001 | Art, Design, and Digital Culture
DSGN 5002 | Design 21: Design After the Digital Age
DSGN 5004 | Art of the Web: Interactive Concepts for Art & Design
DSGN 5005 | 3-D Computer Modeling
DSGN 5013 | Graphic Design Practicum
DSGN 5016 | Cultures of Making
DSGN 5018 | Graphic Design with Creative Technologies
DSGN 5019 | Functions for Form and Material
DSGN 5021 | Information Design & Visualization
DSGN 5022 | Interfacing Cultures: Designing for Mobile, Web & Public Media
IPD 5110 | How to Make Things
IPD 5210 | Designing Smart Objects for Play and Learning
IPD 5270 | Industrial Design I
IPD 5280 | Design of Contemporary Products: Design for Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility
IPD 5440 | Digital Fabrication
IPD 5680 | Integration Design Studio: Biological Design
Engineering Electives
BE 5140 | Rehab Engineering and Design
CIS 5190 | Applied Machine Learning
CIS 5450 | Big Data Analytics
CIS 5570 | Programming for the web
CIS 5620 | Computer Animation
CIT 5900 | Programming Languages and Techniques
ESE 5160 | IoT Edge Computing
ESE 5450 | Data Mining
IPD 5010 | Integrated Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing and Analysis
IPD 5140 | Design for Manufacturability
IPD 5160 | Advanced Mechatronic Reactive Systems
IPD 5190 | Introduction to Embedded Systems
IPD 5290 | Designing Connected Objects and Experiences
MEAM 5080 | Materials and Manufacturing for Mechanical Design
MEAM 5100 | Design of Mechatronic Systems
MEAM 5200 | Introduction to Robotics
Business Electives
BDS 5010 | Behavioral Science: Theory and Application of Experimental Methods
BDS 5120 | Power, Persuasion and Influence
BDS 5210 | Judgments & Decisions
EAS 5120 | Engineering Negotiation
EAS 5450 | Engineering Entrepreneurship I
EAS 5460 | Engineering Entrepreneurship II
EAS 5490 | Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab
ENVS 6530| Corporate Sustainability Strategies
ESE 5400 | Engineering Economics
FNCE 7500 | Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
HCMG 8530 | Management and Strategy in Medical Devices and Technology
HCMG 8670 | Health Care Entrepreneurship
MGMT 7290 | Intellectual Property Strategy for the Innovation-Driven Enterprise
MGMT 7310 | Technology Strategy
MGMT 8020 | Change, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
MGMT 8040 | Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management
MGMT 8060 | Venture Implementation
MGMT 8120 | Social Entrepreneurship
MKTG 6110 | Marketing Management
MKTG 6120 | Dynamic Marketing Strategy
MKTG 7110 | Consumer Behavior
MKTG 7120 | Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions
MKTG 7210 | New Product Management
MKTG 7270 | Marketing and Electronic Commerce
MKTG 7330 | Marketing for Social Impact
MKTG 7370 | Brain Science for Business
MKTG 7410 | Entrepreneurial Marketing
MKTG 7700 | Digital, Social and E-commerce Marketing
MKTG 7760 | Applied Probability Models in Marketing
MKTG 8090 | Special Topics: Experiments for Business Decision Making
MKTG 8500 | Special Topics: Consumer Neuroscience
OIDD 6120 | Business Analytics
OIDD 6620 | Enabling Technologies
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