Let's talk.


Get in touch with our faculty leadership and administrative team to learn more about IPD and how to get involved with the program. To subscribe to the IPD mailing list and hear about our events email us at meam-ipd@seas.upenn.edu.

Mark Yim UPenn Product Design University Faculty

Mark Yim
IPD Director & Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
Email: yim@grasp (.upenn.edu)
Phone: 215-898-5269
Fax: 215-573-6334
Office: Towne Building, Room 229A

Sarah Rottenberg UPenn Product Design University Faculty

Sarah Rottenberg
IPD Executive Director & Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Design
Email: srot@design (.upenn.edu)
Phone: 215-573-6543
Fax: 215-573-6334
Office: Tangen Hall, Rm 407

Mikael Avery
Email: mavery@design.upenn (.edu)

Maryeileen B. Griffith UPenn Product Design University Faculty

Maryeileen B. Griffith
IPD Administrative Director
Email: mebg@seas (.upenn.edu)
Phone: 215-898-2826
Fax: 215-573-6334
Office: Tangen Hall, Rm 406


Integrated Product Design Graduate Student Association (IPDGA) is
a forum for academic and social interaction among the graduate students in IPD. Visit their website!

Mailing Address

Integrated Product Design Program
University of Pennsylvania
Tangen Hall
115 S 40th Street
Philadelphia PA, 19104
meam-ipd@seas (.upenn.edu)

If you are a corporate or non-profit entity who is interested in partnering with the Integrated Product Design program for a project, please email Sarah Rottenberg.