IPD 799 | Final Project
Rachel Cole
Zining Liang
Sarah Nowell
Abigail Stein
Sarah Rottenberg
Chris Murray
JD Albert
Maeve is a just-in-time adaptive intervention mirror and app designed to improve mental health. Maeve works in conjunction with cognitive behavior therapy to disrupt negative behaviors in moments of need. Maeve’s mission is to flip a common trigger, the mirror, into a healing tool, to support people throughout the entire recovery journey and make therapy more effective.
5 million Americans will develop an eating disorder (ED) this year. 10% of the US population will develop an ED at some point in their lives. Mirrors are a common trigger and can be where people exhibit body checking and body avoidance, two common harmful body related behaviors. Yet this is a space that has seen very little innovation outside of journaling apps and meditation videos.
Maeve helps people regulate their mirror use during crisis moments.